Yoga for Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back (15 mins)

Happy Wednesday all! I hope you’re keeping well and have settled into a bit of a ‘stay at home’ routine! I definitely work better and feel better when I have a set routine. So I thought I would take this opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and start filming and sharing some weekly yoga classes, the first being a Yoga for Neck, Shoulders and Upper Back sequence.

Every Wednesday I’ll be posting a FREE yoga class or sequence, which will focus on a specific area or theme. If you have any class suggestions, or anything that you would like to work on/ have issues with, or any other questions, please drop me a line.

This yoga for neck, shoulders and upper back sequence will focus on building flexibility and be particularly beneficial to anyone that spends a lot of time sat at a desk or using a computer/ laptop. It will also help you to strengthen the upper back muscles, to reduce rounding or hunching in the upper back.

Thanks and take care!


Yoga for Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back

Beginners welcome! No props needed, though it might be nice to have a towel, cushion or blanket nearby, in case you would like extra padding for the knees/ hands, or to sit on at the start of the class.

You can practice this sequence at anytime of day. You might even like to combine this with one of the other yoga sequences I have on my channel.

15 minute yoga sequence for the Neck, Shoulders & Upper Back

If you enjoyed this class and would like more, check out my Gentle Beginners Yoga class. If you would like to practice yoga with the whole family, then why not try this yoga for the family class. Or sign up to my email list to be notified of my Wednesday weekly classes.