7 Day Core Strength Challenge


Why commit to the 7 day core strength challenge?

  • The core stabilises and supports your body, protects your spine and helps reduce lower back pain.
  • A strong core can help improve balance and prevent falls.
  • Core strength can help mobility of the body and spine.

What to expect during this 7 day core strength challenge

  • Each day for 7 days we’ll focus on a different area of the core, this will increase your understanding of the core and all the muscles that make up the core.
  • By the end of the challenge you’ll have knowledge of different exercises, which help engage and strengthen each aspect of the core. You’ll be able to incorporate these into future practices.
  • Each daily challenge will be 5-10 minutes long. This allows you to easily fit it into your daily routine. You might like to practice it when you wake up, or take a 10 minute break to complete the challenge during your work from home schedule. The challenge is completely flexible.
  • This challenge is beginner friendly! It might be challenging at times (after all it is a challenge) – but it is still beginner friendly!

Each morning starting Monday 20th July, I’ll be posting the daily challenge below, as well as on YouTube and on my facebook page.

Subscribe to your preferred platform to keep updated.

Day 1: The Obliques

Day 1 of the 7 Day Core Strength Challenge

Day 2: Transverse Abs

Day 2 of the Core Strength Challenge

Day 3: The Back

Day 3 of the core strength challenge

Day 4: The Glutes

Day 4 of the Core Strength Challenge

Day 5: The Abs

Day 5 of the 7 day challenge

Day 6: Hip Flexors

Day 6 of the 7 day Core Challenge

Day 7: Pelvic Floor & Diaphragm

Day 7 of the core challenge

If you enjoyed this challenge, you may also like to try the 30 day morning challenge. 10-15 minutes of yoga, every day for 30 days.

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