Beginners Yoga for Flexibility – 10 min class


This is a 10 minute beginners yoga for flexibility sequence, which you can practice at any time of day. It is however particularly great to practice first thing in the morning, as we will work on moving the spine improving overall spine mobility.

This is one of the first yoga videos I’ve filmed, so please bear with me as I hopefully improve with time.

Since creating this class I’ve put together a free Beginners Yoga Guide to help prepare you for your next yoga class (whether online or in-person). I’ve also created a beginners playlist, which I’ll be adding a couple of new, free classes to each month. Subscribe to keep updated.

Enjoy and drop me a message if you have any questions.

Thanks! Namaste!

Kelly X

Beginners Yoga for Flexibility Sequence

This is a gentle, floor based sequence to wake up the spine and build flexibility in the body. You won’t need any special props – just a yoga mat, if you have one. And maybe some extra padding for the knees if you’re on a hard surface.

As always, yoga can be challenging, but it should never be painful. No one knows your body better than you do, so please make sure you listen to your body and work within your limits. If you do feel any pain, then slowly make your way out of the pose.

If you enjoyed this class and would like more, check out my Standing Yoga class for beginners. Or sign up to my email list to be notified of my weekly Wednesday classes.